Analog computers
Á       Those computers which measure physical values such as pressure and temperatures that fall in a continous scale in temp°c and pressure.
Á       Also can be said that Analog computers are those form of computer that uses continously changeable aspects of physical phenomena.
Á       They are widely used in service station gasoline pump (fuel flow measurements) , Naval gun fire control, Science and industry.
Á       They are fast because they perform complex equations but in other hand, precision of analog is not good.

Digital computers
Á       A computer that stores data in the form of digits (numbers) and proceeds in discrete steps from one state next. [Note: It uses binary digits to display discrete information]
Á       Unlike analog computers, Digital computers are used for presentation, report, documentations, billing and other tasks.
Á       Digital computers are rather slow but accurate and less noisy and used for programming than analog computer.
Hybrid computers
Á      Those computers that exhibit both the features of analog computers as well as digital computers.
Á      The digital components serve as controller and provide logical operations while analog components serve as solver of differential equations.
Á      They are widely used in Intensive care unit (ICU) of hospital, Jet planes and other analysis terminals. They also transfer the data from analog to digital and digital to analog and vice versa.
Á      Its speed, accuracy and noise depend upon the digital and analog components of the computer.
A nervous system in animals is like / a form of hybrid computers as signals pass across the synapses from the nerve cell to next as a discrete (digital) packet of chemicals which are then summed within the nerve cell in a analog fusion by building electro- chemical potential until its threshold is reached

Super computers
Á      These are the types of computer which are used to perform very large calculations, projects e.t.c
Á      Super computers are widely used in the field of weather forecasting, Production of animated movies, defence, and aerospace and also to design supersonic aircrafts. It's also used in pharmaceutical operations.
Á      As it internal speed is measured in nanoseconds, it's much faster than any computers.
Á      It has high efficiency and storing capacity.
Á      Using this computer, even large complex equations which need more than 5 days in normal situation can be solved in less than 3 hrs because it uses more than 1 CPU.
Á      People who are suffered from neurological disease also use this computer to play chess and interact with other people.