Small and relatively inexpensive (typically one-tenth the cost of the Big Iron machines), the new machines were stored-program computers with all the generality of the computers then in use. The new machines were called minicomputers. Minicomputers were designed for easy connection to scientific instruments and other input/output devices, had a simplified architecture, were implemented using fast transistors, and were typically programmed in assembly language with little support for high-level languages. These were special purpose scientific machines or small character-based or decimal-based machines such as the IBM 1401.

The first minicomputer, although it was not recognized as such at the time, may have been the MIT Whirlwind in 1950. It was designed for instrument control and had many, although not all, of the features of later minis. DEC, founded in 1957 by Kenneth Olsen and Harlan Anderson, produced one of the first minicomputers, the Programmed Data Processor, or PDP-1, in 1959. At a price of $120,000, the PDP-1 sold for a fraction of the cost of mainframe computers, albeit with vastly more limited capabilities. But it was the PDP-8, using the recently invented integrated circuit (a set of interconnected transistors and resistors on a single silicon wafer, or chip) and selling for around $20,000 (falling to $3,000 by the late 1970s), that was the first true mass-market minicomputer. The PDP-8 was released in 1965, the same year as the first IBM 360 machines.

The PDP-8 was the prototypical mini. It was designed to be programmed in assembly language; it was easy—physically, logically, and electrically—to attach a wide variety of input/output devices and scientific instruments to it; and it was architecturally stripped down with little support for programming—it even lacked multiplication and division operations in its initial release. It had a mere 4,096 words of memory, and its word length was 12 bits—very short even by the standards of the times. (The word is the smallest chunk of memory that a program can refer to independently; the size of the word limits the complexity of the instruction set and the efficiency of mathematical operations.) The PDP-8's short word and small memory made it relatively underpowered for the time, but its low price more than compensated for this.

The PDP-11 shipped five years later, relaxing some of the constraints imposed on the PDP-8. It was designed to support high-level languages, had more memory and more power generally, was produced in 10 different models over 10 years, and was a great success. It was followed by the VAX line, which supported an advanced operating system called VAX/VMS—VMS standing for virtual memory system, an innovation that effectively expanded the memory of the machine by allowing disk or other peripheral storage to serve as extra memory. By this time (the early 1970s) DEC was vying with Sperry Rand (manufacturer of the UNIVAC computer) for position as the second largest computer company in the world, though it was producing machines that had little in common with the original prototypical minis.

Although the minis' early growth was due to their use as scientific instrument controllers and data loggers, their compelling feature turned out to be their approachability. After years of standing in line to use departmental, university wide, or companywide machines through intermediaries, scientists and researchers could now buy their own computer and run it themselves in their own laboratories. And they had intimate access to the internals of the machine, the stripped-down architecture making it possible for a smart graduate student to reconfigure the machine to do something not intended by the manufacturer. With their own computers in their labs, researchers began to use minis for all sorts of new purposes, and the manufacturers adapted later releases of the machines to the evolving demands of the market.

The minicomputer revolution lasted about a decade.